- Luggies Knowe, Mainland, Shetland – Preliminary design advice followed by ongoing Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed c.2 turbine extension. Shetland Aerogenerators.
- Bettyhill Wind Farm Extension, Sutherland – Preliminary feasibility and design advice followed by ongoing Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed c.11 turbine extension (Skelpick Estate)
- Yell Wind Farm, Yell, Shetland – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed 32 turbine, Section 36 application. Engagement with Shetland Island Council and NatureScot at an early stage to agree parameters and sensitivities associated with the proposal. Detailed design optimisation process to achieve a careful landscape fit (Statkraft / Energy Isles)
- Pencloe Wind Farm, New Cumnock, East Ayrshire – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed 19 turbine, Section 36 application. Engagement with East Ayrshire Council and Naturescot at an early stage to agree the parameters and sensitivities associated with the proposal. Detailed design optimisation process to achieve a careful landscape fit. Provision of support Inquiry Team on landscape and visual matters. (NBW Wind Energy Ltd/Invenergy)
- Dell Wind Farm, Highland – Ongoing Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed 18 turbine wind farm, Section 36 application. Detailed design optimisation to eliminate effects on Castle Urquhart. Completion of challenging and remote site work. (Coriolis)
- Greystone Knowe Wind Farm – Feasibility Study for a proposed 12 turbine wind farm in the Moorfoot Hills (Coriolis Energy Limited)
- Ulzieside Wind Farm, Dumfries and Galloway – Preparation of supplementary environmental information, including a comprehensive cumulative landscape impact assessment, to refresh an existing planning application following resolution of aviation constraints (NBW Wind Energy Ltd)
- Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm Extension – Preparation of a landscape, seascape and visual impact assessment for 17 turbine extension to an existing offshore wind farm. Key tasks included seascape characterisation of the study area and advice on design optimisation. (Vattenfall/ SKM Enviros)
- Blyth Offshore Demonstrator Project – Design and Assessment for the now consented National Renewable Energy Centre’s (NaREC) 15 turbine offshore test array. Key tasks include working within a ‘Rochdale envelope’ project description to identify the maximum scale of development with the least environmental harm and consultation with the Marine Management Organisation. (NaREC/ SKM Enviros)
- Tullo Wind Farm Extension, Aberdeenshire – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed 5 turbine extension to an existing wind farm, near Stonehaven. (Eneco/ SKM Enviros)
- Crockandun Wind Farm – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed wind farm on Slieve Gallion near Draperstown. (SWS Energy/ SKM Enviros)
- Margree Wind Farm, Dumfries and Galloway – Preparation of supplementary environmental information to refresh an existing planning application following resolution of aviation constraints. (NBW Wind Energy Ltd)
- Heysham Wind Turbine – Preparation of a Landscape and visual impact Assessment of a proposed large single wind turbine to the east of Heysham. (British Telecom)
- Walkers Snack Foods, Skelmersdale, Lancashire – Preparation of a Landscape and visual impact Assessment of a proposed large single wind turbine.
- Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm Extension – Preparation of a landscape, seascape and visual impact assessment for 17 turbine extension to an existing offshore wind farm. Key tasks included seascape characterisation of the study area and advice on design optimisation. (Vattenfall)
- Blyth Offshore Demonstrator Project – Landscape Technical Lead for the now consented NaREC 15 turbine offshore test array. Key tasks include working within a ‘Rochdale envelope’ project description to identify the maximum scale of development with the least environmental harm and consultation with the MMO. (NaREC)
- Bilbo and Frodo Solar Farms, Crimmond, Aberdeenshire – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments for a proposed solar arrays (Green Energy International)
- Jockstown Solar Farm, Annan, Dumfries and Galloway – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments for a proposed solar array (Green Energy International)
- Patrickston Solar Farm, Kippen, Stirlingshire – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed 17.4 Ha solar array (Green Energy International)
- Tesco CHP Plant Livingston – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for a proposed Combined Heat and Power Plant at the Tesco distribution warehouse in Livingston, West Lothian. (Tesco/ SKM Enviros)
- Fallago Rig Extension Inquiry (2017) –Preparation of Inquiry Report, Precognition and acted as Landscape Expert Witness at the wind farm Inquiry, held in the Scottish Borders. Appeal determined based landscape evidence. (Scottish Borders Council)